
Hit me baby ow no ok that's ok no stop

MCMMonday, August 7, 2017

This week is kneecapped right from the get-go, due to Kid 1’s wisdom tooth surgery on Tuesday (yick!)

Here’s the rundown of TV stuff, from most-likely-to-hit, to least:

Schnell: Have to send in D1 of another episode today, then hopefully turn around the polish by EOD Tuesday (teeth permitting). Beyond that, no idea.

Freaky: Notes on the polish are expected in the next day or so. Based on previous rounds, we should be able to turn it around this week. Hopefully.

Marco: Might get the go-ahead to write the D1 on our 3rd ep of this show. The other two eps are likely still in note limbo.

Parsley: Waiting on feedback to two episode pitches, after which we can do outlines. Not holding my breath.

Yick: Waiting on polish notes on 4 episodes.

And here is the rundown of booky things to do:

Problem King chapters 22-25 are due this week. Starting to average 4,000 words/chapter, so this might be downright impossible 😊

The Other You outline really needs to be done, too, but ahahahaha as if.

And finally, the pitch du week: Oversight. I need a better name for it, and a few more hours in the week to make it happen.

Disclaimer: I usually can’t actually do half of what’s on this list. This is my wishlist for the week. Do not be alarmed if I fall short.

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