
Welcome to 2010

MCMFriday, January 1, 2010

A year ago today, I wrote a post called "2009 is the Year of the Doing." 2009 turned out a little different than expected. I wrote 12 books in 12 months, had lots of fun, but I think I only really found my footing in the last few months. This year, I want to do it right.

If 2009 was about experimentation, 2010 is going to be about taking things to the next level. I'll still be trying new things, but I think I've found my niche(s), and I'm going to apply some polish to them. And dynamite.

You should be reading this post on the new 2010 version of 1889.ca. It's not quite what you're used to, but I think you'll like it. I'll cover some of the features for my own amusement:

  • On the right side of the screen, you'll see the console. It helps you keep track of what's going on around the 1889 world. It captures relevant Twitter traffic, site comments, and other special things.
  • Log in to the console, and you'll start earning points for your tweets, comments, or other activities. These points count towards discounts in the books area, but also help unlock hints in...
  • The mystery box! Oh yes, the mystery box is waiting for you. You see, on January 25, there is the first big release of the year... but I won't tell you what it is! If you want some hints, you need to unlock them with your collective points. Click on the mystery box to see how close you are!
  • Bugs! Endless, endless bugs! I'd like to pretend I got 'em, all, but this is a massively complex site right here, and I know there's lots I haven't found. If you see anything, let me know right away! (note to IE users: it'll be more broken for you, but I'll fix it all soon, I promise!)

The books section is also revised, merging read.1889.ca and books.1889.ca into a single entity. A new Babel site is coming, and a few more surprises.

Also, a personal note: my resolution for 2010 is to toot my own horn a bit, trying to be an authority about the things I know about. I've been told I blend into the background too much, so I'm going to see if I can rectify the situation. It's a tall order for someone like me, so please have patience while I figure it out. Also, keep in mind I'm still going to be the same friendly nutbar you knew from 2009.

That's it, that's all! I'll do my best to be around in January, but things aren't slowing down around here. Get ready for even more insanity!

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