The Pig Book Returns (11 to go!)
This is it! The official re-launch of "The Pig and the Box", and the start of 12 Books in 12 Months! It's going to be a busy 2009, so hold on to your hats!*
What's different in this release?
First and foremost, the cover is different, and has a wonderful quote by Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing and "Little Brother" fame. Inside, there are a few text changes... mostly tweaking words and adjusting some phrases some parents and teachers found too crude for little ears. For instance, "He nearly peed his pants" becomes "He nearly danced like an orang-utan". All new words have been 6-year-old approved as being stupidly funny.
Where can I read it? As always, the book is available at 1889 Books, in DRM-free PDF format. Collect and trade them with your friends! I won't be converting all the other languages to the new design due to time limitations, but they're still fundamentally the same work.
Where can I buy it?
The 1889 Books page has a bunch of links on it (that will be updated more often than this blog post), but if you want some quickies, try Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Powell's. You can also ask at your local bookstore, but they may have to order it in for you. The book should be available worldwide (even in Japan!), so keep your eyes peeled.
But is there an eBook version?
Funny you should ask! There is indeed an .epub version of the book available for purchase. I may throw together more eBook formats, but I'll wait for actual requests, because there are just too many options. This file will work on your iPhone/iPod in Stanza.**
WTF is 12 Books in 12 Months?
Because of my stunning laziness, I am trying to take a page from Jonathan Coulton or Ze Frank and produce on a silly schedule. 12 books in 2009. It's not as easy as it sounds! I gave myself the easy one first so I could get my feet wet, but I'm already hard at work at months 6 and 7. Next up is "Poke of the Titans", the third entry in the SteamDuck Chronicles. Snag the RSS on this site to keep up-to-date on developments!
Are you doing a book tour?
Seriously, 12 books in 12 months isn't good enough for you? You want me to leave my dungeon too? Sheesh...
Tell me more, but in a more dynamic way!
Not to fear! There's a press release! So now you can be sure the book launch is real. Phew!
Wow, this is all very cool. If only there were like a YouTube trailer or someth---
Say no more! Your wish is my command! Poof!
Well in that case, I would also like a million dollars and for Windows Vista to stop ruining my life.
One of those things is more plausible than the other, but sadly, neither one is in the cards today.
* Those without hats may hold on to their ears instead. Especially in public. Send photos.